A very stern mother- in –law of the yester-generation was heading the joint family in a distant village. Her daughter- in – law was being inducted gradually, in the family-traditions. The young girl observed the austere and stingy nature of her mother- in –law with a lot of awe and some reservations.
In villages, beggars visit households on specific days of a week, to beg for alms. The young daughter –in-law had observed umpteen times, the mother-in –law routinely shoo away the beggars without obliging them, even on festive days.
When once the mother-in –law was not minding the front door, the daughter-in-law happened to be around. A beggar visited the household just then. True to the household’s traditions which ;she had internalized all along; she gently asked the beggar to go away.
At this point of time, the mother-in-law, suddenly appeared on the scene,
“Why did you drive away the beggar?”
Surprised at the change of heart in the mother-in-law, the young girl offered to call back the beggar. The beggar expectantly scurried back to the front door.
Then the mother-in-law very imperiously thundered;
“Scram, you bandicoot of the first order. Of course you are not getting any alms from this household. Scoot away!”
Thereafter, the mother-in-law brought the young girl, up-to-date on the theoretical aspects of her peculiar behavior.
The daughter-in –law had not been “authorized” yet; even for the DENIAL BID; leave alone giving away alms. She promptly offered her a piece of advice in the correct administrative behavior;
In fact, in most organized work-teams the same story obtains in same fashion. Well, the difference may be of degree and not of kind.
Even when, certain routine decisions are taken by the team-mates, the group leader construes the same as abridgement of the sovereign authority vested in him. The bosses will make a song and dance about the use of any authority by the assistants. Assistants are accused by the boss; of abuse of power the exclusive prerogative of the boss. This is usurping the sovereign of his supreme power; and adversely affects his supreme image!
It will be promptly labeled as an incompetent and indiscriminate use of authority. The underlying principle is; that the Boss feels that if the authority is delegated he may lose something of his SELF and the assistant may become more powerful.
Many a time I have noticed that even certain factual information of routine details; which is not of any significance or great consequence is also held back from the assistants.
Why can’t the basic information be shared with those who are concerned with it? More often than not, the person in authority relishes the INFORMATION POWER when he haughtily concludes the meeting.
“I have the relevant information. It will be revealed at the appropriate time”.
Authorities generally tend to make power “concentric” and let it rest, with the higher-ups only. The assistants have to flock around the Boss for every single decision consequently.
Empowering is a new concept espoused by enlightened managements. It implies delegating authority to the assistants for an effective use in carrying out given assignments. The intention is to get them involved in the team-tasks. It is an express attempt to introduce a participative culture. The Theory Y approach.
An inspired team, which is given appropriate and adequate authority, will exercise the same, judiciously. The purpose will be to successfully achieve the assignments at hand. The job is finished faster when the team-mates are enthused. They don’t perceive the job as “the daily grind”. The team is inspired and the efforts are unidirectional. In such a scenario, the job at hand assumes prime importance; all others are subjugated in hierarchical authority; including the boss.
Just attempt to establish a Verb-Noun relationship. We empower team-mates to do what? Empower one to take decisions which are appropriate for the achievement of determined goals, without administrative delays. Ability to take decisions without fear of being questioned by the higher-ups later, should something sour up.
At times; out of a moral courage coupled with professional competence, one feels empowered although there may not be an expression of the intrinsic worth of an employee; as perceived by him.
When a team has to work together, some kind of an organizational structure has to be formed. A good organization strikes a balance between individuality and organizational controls needed for the team’s success.
A “celebrated” robber in a town was planning for long, to attempt a grand robbery at the residence of a rich jeweler. The stumbling block was a high compound wall which was difficult to scale. The robber, on a daily bazaar round, noticed a roadside acrobat perform one superb climbing feat very effectively.
He was demonstrating this without any paraphernalia on the ramparts of the town. He decided to enroll the services of the acrobat for the evening. The deal was struck with a handsome fee to the performing artiste. Come midnight, the robber escorted his scout to the residence of the jeweler. He tiptoed stealthily to the high compound wall and commanded the acrobat to scale it.
The performing artiste was all set; got in his uniform; huffed and puffed a bit quietly, and demanded:
“Now, beat the drums; this is a pre-requisite. Without the accompaniment of loud drum-beats I can’t perform “.
The acrobat could not give his competent performance till he had the organizational environment.
It is very rarely that the RULE BOOK is handed to you on the first day of your employment, detailing the bye-laws of divesting of authority and its usage. A few general rules for administrative convenience are certainly formulated. These are not the real deterrents for use of authority. However there are some built-in individual inhibitions acquired over the years which work in place of rules. A new mind set has to be developed.
We do talk of several approaches such as enriching the jobs, enlarging the scope of the assistant’s responsibilities. Quality circles, suggestion schemes, Zero defect, Kaizen, Value/engg/Analysis, Management by Objectives, TQM and a host of others. They are all embodiments of new ideas to better the science and art of management, which ensures a Participative spirit; by bringing in an ATTITUDINAL CHANGE.
It should be borne in the mind that no investiture ceremony is necessary or is organized to empower with authority a new incumbent in the team. Authority is acquired over a period, retained by your efforts; and should be judiciously exercised. In the process of acquisition of power, retention and exercise of it, there are various shades of management styles. Some could be despotic, coercive, autocratic in their approach; others democratic. Individuals with a tendency to exercise ‘power’ too frequently and for show-off purposes are working against the goal.
The trend is now to have a transformational approach where individuals accept their team-mates as they are and make consistent efforts to change them over a period. It is in effect the negation of both; the ‘systems approach’ which is based on checks and controls; so also, the transactional approach of rewarding performance and punishing non-compliance.
What is essentially required is a general direction and willing acceptance of the shared vision by the team-mates. A confidence has to be generated in the minds of the team-mates, that support for their actions taken in course of work; will be forthcoming and minor mistakes will be corrected and condoned.
There are instances galore of enlightened C.E.O.s who encourage their Managers to explore intruded paths. The failures in “prospecting” are pardoned and underwritten. In a FORTUNE 500 company, a Marketing Executive was not only pardoned but actually rewarded, although the campaign he had launched had totally failed. The distraught Executive was expecting a reprimand and had offered to leave. The C.E.O explained,
“You have learnt some valuable insights and subtleties of the game. I won’t allow you to leave. I reward you for the innovative spirit which I noticed in your campaign. I plan to encourage and nurture this in all my executives”.
A flexible approach is recommended when a change is desired. You can’t dream of a change and cling to the rigid rules, a privilege of the bureaucracy.
Patience and easy accessibility is required too. Give the credit wherever due, publicly.
A real, meaningful delegation of responsible work.
Periodic meetings to report, monitor, progress, acknowledge good work, review the assignments at hand ; and reallocate work are essential.
Whenever the perceived weaknesses of an individual member of the team are likely to adversely affect the work at hand , please offer help to carry the responsibility through, and DON”T TAKE CREDIT for this little push at the elbow.
They have to be trained, retrained in new skills and their progress is to be closely supervised in the process of acquisition of skills.
Please do encourage a healthy criticism from the team-mates and ensure openness. Convince those who are willing to understand and win them over, by a positive attitude.
With complex and the unforgiving technologies being imbibed by
us progressively, it is very necessary that we build vibrating teams of empowered persons who share the ownership concept. This is the sure way to avoid disastrous debacles such as Three Mile Islands, or Chernobyl.
Timely encouragements for satisfactory performance , is a key to maintaining the interest of individuals on the path to progress and empowerment.
It is necessary that the goals need not be permanent immutable set of jobs, but they have to be reviewed and changed periodically.
Acquisition of professional competence, maturity and self-respect are to be kindled in the team mates.
The team should be of complementary individuals to ensure a synergy; this is the singular factor that distinguishes an inspired team from a disparate group.
An effective involvement, complementary and contributory roles of the team-mates, sense of ownership and a keen desire to participate in the team assignment are the key factors in the process of empowering.
PUNCTUALITY, SENSE of purpose, objectivity are virtues to be practiced by the ROLE MODELS. No preaching will be required then.
Periodic meetings of the team members to ensure a two-way communication and encouraging creativity are essential. Delegation of Responsibilities for implementation of accepted ideas improves team performance. The negativities, one-up-manship should be avoided in such meetings. The idea is to register that, it is the team whose success matters, and not any individual’s performance. Hence, the proceedings of such team meetings should be contributory to the team’s success, and all efforts constructive.
Some dissenters will always be there in a team, whose job is to stone you at every turn. They can’t be won by arguments. Leave them alone. Others will eventually see the emptiness of the arguments neglected by you, and your success would smell sweet.
This is a recipe for development of the HUMAN WARE and to have EMPOWERED PERSONNEL.
Oral communication is very potent tool in the hands of the team leader, that if it is used properly it can yield spectacular results.
Very often consultants use this tool to their advantage. It is noticed that the persons working in a particular job, know in depth, defects inherent in the system. Most times they are in the know (perhaps vaguely); of the solutions too. An outside consultant breaks the ice very subtly and when once the employees are ‘articulate’, a fund of expertise is unleashed. The data so gathered is processed properly, and is neatly produced as a REPORT.
Today people look for the right attitudes in their employees. These are either already present as endowments and one selects the right team-mates, or attitudes are developed through constant efforts and training. Development of individuals requires a constant reminder of what you expect of the employees. Measurement of their performance, appropriate feedback and periodic course-corrections if and when required, are the intermediary steps.
Management sciences come up with several proved ideas. It could be delegation of responsibility, product groups, profit centers, motivated teams, and division of labor, whatever.
During the time of Alexander the Great, he had engaged a concept similar to empowering. He had employed SATRAPS who felt adequately empowered to take required decisions, necessary for conduct of administration, including judicial powers over conquered lands. This was way back; around 331 B.C.
Other historical instance of a relatively recent origin i.e. 1600’s could be of the British East India Company which had a charter from the Govt. to further trade. They were successful in enhancing English trade and bringing India to British Empire. Imagine a Company managing trade, raising armies, waging wars, concluding treaties. The company had the longest life, 260 years; and a great influence. They governed our country till 1858 when the British crown took over.
Managing today’s burgeoning organizations; calls for a similar type of near total delegation. Otherwise the person heading the organization will end either as a failure or a neurotic wreck.
Human resource is the most important resource of the hi-tech industries. Speed is the essence of their success and to ensure it, the knowledge workers have to be adequately empowered. A single individual employee’s wrong can be potentially more damaging in today’s context than the earlier set-ups, where a lot of dead-wood could be tolerated by the system.
I remember an instance in my career with a limited company. While negotiating business deal of a sizable amount, the buyer was dithering. On a further probing I noticed that he was unsure about the extent of my authority.
Frankly, in most organizations there is an explicit authorization limit spelled out by a charter. By trial and error one knows the limits; and most times plays safe by ensuring that the TOP is ‘kept-in-the-picture’ at least!
In the particular instance that I am narrating; it was necessary that the deal was struck speedily in the company’s overall interests. I very confidently conveyed to the party,
“You are talking to THE COMPANY. I am clothed with the necessary authority to finalize the deal. If you have to consult someone else that’s a different matter”.
You will be surprised to note that the party concluded the deal then and there. It was in effect greatly beneficial to my employer.
However, in many cases the empowerment emanates from your own moral conviction. An implicit faith in the correctness of your actions is a great force which enhances the feeling of empowerment. There is no necessity of an ACT OF EMPOWERING, by someone else, externally.
In Samsung, 25 of their Group Company Presidents are authorized to make investments of up to $ 30 million without checking with Headquarters. This type of delegation promotes growth (since 1987, company assets increased by 250% to its present $49 Billion), ensures creative thinking about future and enables them to grab opportunities without waiting for clearances from ‘someone-up-there’, i.e. Chairman Lee Kun Hee.
Lee Dae Won, President of Samsung Aerospace’ sums up the style of their group functioning:
‘Chairman Lee Kun Hee; is the boss of everybody; but, here I am the Boss’
He feels he is empowered to take decisions which concern the operations of SAMSUNG AEROSPACE.
A number of thinkers, who are the beacons for the society, have become apprehensive that the good values for which they have lived all their lives are eroding fast. Expediency seems to be the name of the game and values can be trampled upon merrily. Those who you considered to be epitomes of values seem to be baring their clay-feet
In such a scenario, to reestablish good values, a number of courageous youngsters are required who feel, that they are empowered to transform the people and their quality of life. They have the impulse to excel.
The irascible mother-in –law would be heard saying thus, to her empowered daughter-in-law.
“Please do call the beggar back. If you feel proper, do give away alms to him too! After all this is all YOURS”.
Published in Economic Times Mumbai on …….