Monday, February 4, 2008


Please get it straight, I have no intentions of encroaching on the domains of spirituality. I neither sport a flowing beard, nor a Dhoni cut, which establishes you to be some Guru, Baba or what have you.

I have my feet planted very much on the ground, and think about mundane things, such as how to commute safely in my jalopy without hurting anybody else or denting my good old chariot. While pushing my way on Pune roads, often had I wished, to have the flying carpet, which is strictly; by appointment; the proprietary travel-gear of Gurus/Maharajahs etc.
My granddaughter, Keyuri, came calling last week to our castle on the outskirts of Pune. She is an artist of sorts and keeps on doodling all the while. Hyper-imaginative by nature, (she has taken after my old girl).
She painted out a four- headed deity. She called it SUPERBRAHMA.
My other grandchild Ameya is a hard headed rationalist at a young age. Kids have a tendency to pick up fights at the drop of a hat, on trivial issues.
Whenever grandchildren are around, I pack them up in my chariot, and we go for a good drive. This leaves the old girl in peace to cook a hefty lunch for the young devils. They think of food all the while, their only pastime.
Driving in Pune is partly an art, science and the certified mind-readers only can venture on the roads. In addition to your valid driving license, one needs the special skills of an acrobat, from the Great Royal Circus for survival. If you do not possess these minimum qualifications, you are sure to land in the nearest Hospital.

On seeing the sketch of SUPERBRAHMA, by his cousin; Ameya embarked on his critic’s role. He is a true Puneite.
“How can anyone have four heads “?

By then a six seater had abruptly stopped right in front of me. A two wheeler had banged into the car, from behind. Some cyclist was attempting to wedge himself between the razor-thin gaps. I maneuvered the car to a clearing.
I offered some defense, to Keyuri,
”The four heads are symbolic. Perhaps the multi-headed deity depicts all the four Vedas, which are the epitome of the highest level of knowledge.
Perhaps it also represents a greater level of wisdom, an expanded consciousness. He could attend to happenings around him on all the four sides, multidirectional attention etc. “
By then a passenger- bus tried to invade my car from the left side. A pedestrian tried to squeeze in between. A monstrous Auto rickshaw was attacking from the right-side.
“You see, driving on the busy roads of Pune is, a demanding task. Both of you please do not distract my attention.”
Like obedient children both were quiet.
Keyuri was doodling as usual well ensconced in the backseat. Ameya was directing me, from the co-pilot’s seat, about hot-rods overtaking from left side.
Very sympathetically, he said,
“Aba, I am prepared to believe that four heads are needed, to keep track of the speeding vehicles from all around.”
Keyuri was feverishly busy sketching, in the back-seat.
I asked her,
”What are you up to?
”Aba I have a correction to make, in the earlier sketch.
I think four heads are not enough to drive out of here.
I have sketched Ravana, with all his ten heads. Perhaps one needs these many, to steer clear of all the hurtling meteors on the road.”

23RD JUNE, 2006.

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