Monday, July 28, 2008
“ Ameya, now that you have learnt additions, could you please give me, a quick answer of a simple sum?. One plus one?”
“One.” pat came the reply.
I dismissed it first, as the modern mathematics they teach at schools these days. I am as enlightened about it, as Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
To mask my ignorance, I asked him for a quick logical explanation of his answer.
“Elementary, Dr Watson”, was his tone. In fact, he said,
“You see the rain drop on the window-pane? Now, watch it approach another one. Both form into a bigger, ONE.”
I was stunned by the genius in him.
Was he conveying some message that, merging one’s self, for a larger goal is the key to success; a nature’s lesson?
Well-formed teams achieve spectacular success, when they act
Albert Einstein had posed a question to the young engineers, when he went visiting a college. It goes something like this:
‘While walking on seashore you find it very difficult to walk on the dry sand, unless you have hoofs like horses, camels or donkeys. Thereafter walking towards the seawater you encounter damp sand. You walk with greater ease, as if on a normal ground. Einstein’s question:
” Give a scientific explanation for the fact that it is easier to walk on the damp sand. No, no; don’t give the wishy washy poetic descriptions. Point out the phenomenon behind this occurrence.”
Most recalled the happening vividly, but few could offer the scientific reason; which is “SURFACE TENSION.”
A natural bonding, which occurs between two droplets of water, holds the sand pieces together, on damp sand. When there is no dampness on the dry sand, it is slippery.
Ah! A great principle, but perhaps beyond the comprehension of my little genius, AMEYA.
In fact the two molecules of Hydrogen and one of Oxygen, just by bringing together, won’t form into water. A conducive relationship, has to be conditioned, by a process of ionization, a charge has to be created before the molecules will form into a new entity, water.
In human activity system too, unless a conducive and complementary relationship is created, disparate individuals don’t bond together into great teams.
Best performing teams; achieve their goals only through a conscious process of integration. The building blocks of today’s corporate success are better performing teams, which act as a single entity. They are bound together by a common cause, a mission to perform to the best of their individual and team abilities.
When a single individual cannot perform a task, one resorts to a team formation to take on the same. The total task is broken down into sub-tasks; the work is allocated depending on the specialties and capabilities of the team members. Complementary roles are assigned, role clarity is established. The leader ensures that the team skills are developed and the morale of the team is kept constantly high.
In some cases the team members do work independent of each other. But there has to be a leader who coordinates the activities of the members of the team, after he has viewed the task, in its totality. He has to break it down to various activities, and allocate the individual tasks. The manufacture of a mobike- engine, will involve making of different parts, and finally the assembly. The manufacture of constituent parts of the total assembly could be an independent activity, coordinated and monitored by the leader.
In some cases the work is such, that it has to have a greater inter-dependence. Then aligning the jobs of the individuals to ensure that the total job is completed is a supreme need. A family is a good example of an interdependent, effective team.
The roles of the individual members of the family are interdependent and complementary. Each member of the TEAM- “FAMILY” has a role to play and when it is done well, the outcome is a happy family.
Mature teams, have a built-in passion for improvement, they share common aspirations, set out an agenda, for completion of the team
Various teams operate at different levels.
There is a team working at the operating level, that will concentrate on the immediate tasks on hand.
However the middle management team will concentrate on mediate goals. They will look to the future of say, next two years or so.
The highest level of management will have to envision the future and work at a conceptual level. The job involves cognition of the concepts and translating policies into action-plans. A road map has to be set for the team to operate, which is the task at the highest level.
There were two fishermen fishing in a rivulet on either side of her banks.
The rivulet separated two distinct ideologies, practiced during the cold- war, regime. On the eastern side of the river there was the communist regime, of East Germany and on the western banks, it was the West German, a liberal capitalist regime.
Since morning the fishing was going on patiently.
The German on the eastern side of the river was not getting any fish at all. The German on the western side was getting heaps of fish, and was busy pulling the line and fixing bait on the hook continuously.
“Herr Schultz, what is the bait you have put on the hook? “ Comrade Schmitz asked.
“I am using the canned worms.” Herr Schultz.
“Me too, but I am getting no fish on the line.” Comrade grumbled.
Herr Schultz offered an explanation,
“Comrade, on your side of the river, the fish are afraid to open their mouth.”
This was prior to Mikhail Gorbachov’s understanding of the problems in USSR. He embarked on two distinct policies. One glasnost, an openness; and the other perestroika, or, restructuring.
Unless openness is brought in the team operations by a restructuring, the teams will not, operate successfully, at the national level.
When you have a muscle pull, like many of the cricketers have; these days; in South Africa fixtures; you are in acute pain.
To relieve the pain one takes a painkiller and to relax the pulled muscle a relaxant.
One expects; say, one unit of relief from the painkiller and another unit from the relaxant. Under normal circumstances, a total of two units of relief. Right?
No, sir.
If the medicines are working synergistically you can expect a relief of more than two units and if they are canceling each other’s efficacy you may get zero relief.
Synergy is a word replete with meaning. A very telling one.
Syn means together, ergy stands for work .If the two disparate entities are WORKING TOGETHER; they will produce results, which are equivalent to more than the arithmetic sum of the constituents.
Great is in it?
So it could be; that one plus one will be more than two, may be eleven or one hundred and eleven
The same principle holds good for synergistically working teams. You can reap benefits disproportionately higher than the efforts put in, by you to build great teams.
My little genius AMEYA has to be TAUGHT the new mathematics, one plus one can be ONE, yes; it is a precondition to forming a performing team. But in mature teams it can be much more than TWO too.
M. S. Ranade,
”That is a cell-phone,” he explained to me.
I politely explained to him that we keep the same in pocket and it works there from too. There was no need to hold it in the hand like a scepter, all the while.
Much later though, I realized his predicament, when he received a call. He was not comfortable at all accepting it. He was struggling, with the buttons. He was visibly embarrassed.
A rare phenomenon in his species.
This was just about five years ago. Now you notice every other person having a cell-phone and using it as if it were an extension of the arm.
No big deal.
In the earlier era, the pace, speed and reach of technological changes was slow. Engineering colleges were teaching with the help of a sectional model of 450 rpm,” I. C. engines”, to their wide-eyed wards, for more than four generations. Nothing was changing radically.
The technology is advancing rapidly. The frequency and urgency of updating one’s knowledge is unprecedented in the wired world that we live in today.
There are certain well-accepted processes of acquiring,
The basic idea is to reflect on the new knowledge, with a view to understanding it and integrating the same with the one already known to you. If one adopts this method then the acquisition of new knowledge becomes easier and lasting.
Taking the same example of the cell phone, if; I were to teach my politician friend the modalities, I will first explain to him with the help of; a chord-less phone, at his residence, the similarities.
He is comfortable with the known device. After that he has to focus his attention on the changes involved. This is known as the first step,
• REHEARSE the same, by keeping the cell phone in his working memory, actively, and focus on the differences.
• MEANINGFUL LEARNING is the next stage. This involves relating it to the context one knows, and then understanding the dissimilarities.
• INTERNALLY ORGANIZING, the new learning and in depth absorbing of the wireless telephony, follows. This signals the subordinate concepts such as forwarding the calls, recalling, registering, storing, deleting etc.
• ELABORATING THE NEW KNOWLEDGE, by now relating it to the one earlier known
• TO VISUALIZE the new knowledge, mentally and to go away from the cordless-phone model is the last step.
• Accept the new technology, as it is. Leave the walker of the chord-less phone now.
He is now ready to tackle the SMS, WAP technology etc., too, which is application of the new knowledge and enriching it further.
What is true about, the cell phone is true in many other cases.
For example many of us use the computer, still in the mode of a typewriter. The finer points are left alone unutilized.
How do you acquire the new knowledge?
Systematically go about it as detailed above and you will have made the new knowledge as a part of you.
One need not have to think of the typewriter, to accept the new technology of voice-activated computers, transmitting voice data etc. Leave QWERTY, now and take the stride.
That is the route to “new- knowledge’s”, acceptance and acquisition.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
"COME AGAIN......"
There used to be a narrow gauge Railway, styled, Barshi Light Railway. The train used to be sickeningly slow on the track.
The jokes on the speed used to be galore. One I recall, goes;
“The train driver complained to the authorities, that, there was a menace of cattle on the rail-track. It was a perennial problem not a casual one.
Sure enough , a committee was set up to investigate in the matter. They went about the job seriously, for quite some time. Submitted a report eventually.
Their finding was a shocking one. It appeared that a buffalo was the villain of the piece. The surprise came in the concluding remarks of the report; which stated that it was the same buffalo which was obstructing the travel of the train, on the rails, again and again and again.“ Some speed !
English language keeps on adding new expressions to say, the same intent in different styles.
The good old expression, whenever one failed to hear someone clearly, used to be;
“I beg your pardon Sir.” Too prosaic and archaic British, perhaps.
“Sorry?” would be more contemporary. The stylish would say “Come again.” Slightly continent- oriented, etiquette.
I am reminded of the BLR joke, and the expression for the unheard conversation after observing the repairs, to Pune roads.
All roads, should have been kept in good order and condition, in the first place, to face the monsoon, which comes annually, at the appointed time punctually.
This was woefully left undone. The rains devastated the communication arteries of the city totally. Consequently, there was furor over this inaction, incompetence, and faulty administration.
They blamed torrential rains, contractors, civil servants, municipal authorities, faulty raw materials, incorrect process, camber of the road, the travelers on the road. (They were advised by authorities, to use roads sparingly, “TAKE TO FLYING”, ha...ha….).
After long last, some semblance of repairs was undertaken. There was a precondition, put before they embarked on the Good Samaritan task, of road-repairs. Rains must take a holiday for the repairs-chaps to work uninterrupted, peacefully, they are susceptible to cough and cold.
Rain-gods obliged.
We got to see the roads again, all black and inviting.
All the guilty, who were bearing the brunt of the public wrath , which was expressed roundly, squarely etc. commenced surfacing, at the public functions, again, again and again. .
All heaved a sigh of relief, that the rain for the season was over .
It was too loud and premature perhaps.
The fury of rain, which had abated, for some time , came back with a renewed vigor.
Last whole week, there is unprecedented rainfall. There would be new statistics which will feature in local newspapers. This is the first time, in living memory that ;there is such heavy rain-fall in September etc. etc. Skyward all the guilty will all ask in unison, “HOW is that ?” Cricketer’s style.
The contractor will get his second contractor , to re-repair the damaged road, again ,again and again.
I overheard the contractor pray to the rain god,
”Come again ,”
Does he not know, that the buffalo repeatedly obstructing the traffic , in the anecdote of BLR as above, is the vehicle of YAMA, the death god?.
Chairman & CEOPlacewell Consultants,
Pune 411007
“Lend me your ears” Antony seeks the attention of his county men, to explain to them, his interpretation of the actions of his assassinated friend, Julius Ceasar.
When you visit, by prior appointment some Sr.Manager in an office, more specifically an IT/BPO/ITES variety; the guy in front, is not taking his attention off his laptop.
You pause.
He says “Go ahead, I am attending to my inbox.”
Unsaid “I am attending to my inbox which is full of a lot of useless E-mails which I am deleting.”
“You may say your monologue; “soliloquy” in peace. I shall continue to be unattentive.You can’t comment on my non-attention” When by prior appointment you meet an individual a business environment, it is customary to give an undivided attention to the visitors. In fact protocol demands, that if a phone call is received, during the course of the meeting, one does not accept the same.
During the entire period of the meeting my friend would just not take his eyes off the laptop. We barely had any eye-contact, which is the pre-requisite of a good dialogue. I was trying my best to engage him in some conversation relating to the business at hand. He was punctuating his inattention by occasional “hums” “go ahead” etc.
I knew very well, he was not of the type to be engaging in multi-tasking. An upstart from some non-descript business school.
His inattention was more a show off. Perhaps to impress me that he was a very busy individual and had condescended to grant me time in his busy schedule.
A poor show, I must say.
Culture is an implicit behavior. The actions happen automatically without any specific signal from the brain. I meant that refinement; to which civilized society is so used to.
This kid on the block was bereft of it. I excused myself politically without concluding the business on hand.
This is the accepted behavior. Any other than this is intolerable; and boorish.
On my way out I said to the receptionist of “Lend me his ears.” “Why? What is wrong with his ears?” She asks you.
“I wish to pull them out of his skull He should learn to attend to his visitors with all his heart and soul. None seems to have taught him, the basics of courtesy; and refinement. “An irate me.
I was finally out of his office looking more like the assassinated Julius Ceasar; almost mind-dead.
Chairman & CEO
Placewell Consultants,
“Your reception was cold, and lime cordial warm” Someone quipped about the hospitability-index of an establishment.
When did you visit your dentist or the ophthalmologist or the general physician last?
Did you not notice the callous attitude of the receptionist? Totally unmindful about your presence; in the establishment.
They have in the reception-hall a TV, their personal cell, the office-telephone, computer mouse to toy with. Why attend to the visitors? You stand there like a sucker, waiting for her attention to focus on you.
“Yes” she exclaims at last.
“Oh man, I haven’t asked you yet.”- Me.
The above dialogue script just popped in my mind, I did not articulate it. However I sheepishly mumbled “I already had fixed an appointment yesterday, with the specialist. I am waiting to be ushered in”.
She gave me a look reserved by the medical-interns for the inmates of the morgue.
They will enjoy seeing you being humiliated to the hilt. They can’t back answer their employer but the entire pent-up anger will be directed at the visitors. I just gave her a hard look and refrained from any insulting remark. I restrained myself solely on account of decency. It has something to do with her most unattractive demeanor too. I wonder why these so called receptionists are appointed at all. They are counter productive.
Their attitude is,” why in the first place, are you at the place”. Especially at the moment when they are busy looking at some juicy stuff being flashed on TV in front of them. Their cell phone is busy for personal chats and yaps. The lowly job of ushering you in to her boss should really be done by someone else, not by her. She would attend to manicuring, or long winding conversations on her telephone with her boy-friend, or some family relations, kitty party members etc. You are last on the list.
You are an intruder on her private space. Get lost. That is unarticulated message from her to all the visitors.
Did you say you have a toothache? Unbearable? Shooting pain? Heed my advice please.
Take a double dose of some painkiller, and suffer the little ache, stoically.
The humiliation you may encounter, at the hands of the receptionist, in the foyer of the reception of your dentist, will be very hurting and incurable.
Avoid the visit, instead.
Chairman & CEO
Placewell Consultants,
Due to the advanced technology, one can mass- transmit the greetings, “mail-merge “; variety. The entire mailing list receives a standard greetings message.
The sender gets a feel that he has done the job, a sort of noblesse oblige.
But he does not realize that the recipient is harassed, and bored stiff to receive the same message from ever so many contacts. Totally counter-productive
What is the alternative?
Write a personal note, it will have the warmth, a personal touch rather than the stereotype mail, sent so very formally, casually, as a ritual.
It is like shaking hands with a robot that is conditioned, to receive the guests and even give them a rose bud. Would you like it? Talking of handshakes, I recall an instance.
Mr. Holck Larsen, who co- founded the engineering giant Larsen and Toubro Limited, in Bombay,( now Mumbai) exuded personal warmth in abundance.
The sapling which was planted in mid 30s, grew into a large company due to his vision and an unstinted, support; from his team, which he sought and got.
A well-knit organization produces quality products. He handpicked his team mates , personally in many cases. A great teamwork, committed workforce, has been the hallmark of this hugely successful company.
Mr. Larsen used to ensure that he would personally stand at the main-gate, on the first day of January, year after year. He would give a warm handshake to each and every employee of the organization.
Till such time as the employee strength was small, it was more a personalized event. However the tradition continued. When the employee strength rose to nearly five thousand, it was still pursued by Mr. Larsen.
I do not know, if you had the experience to shake hands with a hundred odd persons in a meeting. It could be a promotion, transfer, send-off or some such social/official function.
Next day one has to take some muscle relaxant, and a day’s leave.
Mr. Larsen’s hand would be swollen visibly, post this marathon hand-shaking. He would still enjoy the ceremony, though.
The significance, of this warm gesture, and the value attached to this event, by the team-mates, would get highlighted on the next day.
Just outside the cabin of Mr. Larsen, there would be a large crowd of employees, who would insist on a handshake. Due to their absence from work on first Jan, they had missed on this precious memento in their service. Would he confer on them the missed take-away, a handshake.
In spite of the fact that he would be just about able to lift his hand, Mr. Larsen would still oblige.
This is the meaning of the greetings and the warmth it generates, when there is a personal touch to the act. It really helps build relationships, not the mail merge of the e’mail or mass SMSes sent mechanically.
The preconceived notions about each other, were skewed. Each one doubting the motives and moves of the other.
I was working as a Commercial Manager, in an Italian company in Aurangabad.
We used to buy drill-bits from a medium scale industrialist, HENRY Hamilton. He had his unit, manufacturing drill-bits and other special tooling in one of the MIDCs in Thane region. There was a virulent labour-dispute in his unit and the production was at 25% of normal. I was worried about the continuity of supplies from him.
During my meeting with him on the status of supplies, he was bragging continuously about his physical prowess, and how he always had an upper hand while dealing with his workers.
He shocked me, out of my wits; when he showed me, an imported revolver, which he was carrying in his suitcase.
He told me that he was in danger of a violent attack by his workers, and was always prepared for the worst of the eventualities. He is a toughie and will not take things lying low, etc; ad infinitum.
I requested him to please shut his bag up, and leave me in peace. I was really put off by his show-off. Before the staff around me would start screaming, I wanted him out of the office.
Later, as expected his workers went on a total strike. Henry was nonchalant and unrelenting.
“Let them do what they like. I am sticking to my guns.” Very adamant, and arrogant Henry.
The striking workers put up some flags of the union, as a part of the protest, apart from the continuous din of slogans at the main gate of the Unit.
Henry called the Leader of the Union and asked him,
“ With whose permission have you put the ugly flags here?”
“We are your workers, Sir. We are allowed to register our protest. Everyone is doing this.”
“Who owns the premises”?
“You, Sir”.
“O.K. Understand this well and proper. I am throwing all the flags away. I do not approve of this at all, on my premises.”
Some fuel in the fire.
The factory stopped functioning, after a lockout. The matter became a long drawn out industrial dispute.
I recall another instance, around the same time.
This unit was an extension of, the main giant factory in Mumbai.
A seasoned HR chief Mr. Vipin Patel from the main Company was deputed to establish, and rear this unit up.
It was considerably away from the main Company, located in a fishing village, on the outskirts of Mumbai.
The HR chief Mr. Patel was very tactful, who understood the psyche of the workers. He knew that the workers there always had a sense of alienation. They felt as a persecuted lot. The workers had to do the bidding of the Union directives from the main Company, in Mumbai.
Hence any establishment act, was looked through this lens.
Here too the workers had some ongoing industrial dispute. As a part of the standard act of protest, they put up the flags of Union on the compound wall of the factory premises. This was pursuant to the directives of the distant Union bosses. It was certainly not a pleasant sight any way.
When Mr. Patel arrived at the factory, he was shocked to see the flags all around, on the fence of the Unit. Naturally he was very disturbed.
He summoned the Union Leader,
“ What do you think you are up to?”
“This is our protest, against the management 's policies, which are always anti workers. “ The obedient Parrot, echoing the big boss, from Mumbai.
“OK, no dispute on this count. I have called you, to my office for a different purpose altogether. You are aware that our company’s name is associated with top- class quality products, and we are almost a “standard” for the industry.” “Patel speak” contd....
“ Yes Sir” The crowd, which had gathered out at his cabin, roared in unison.
“The flags you have put, are all of tattered cloth, and the color has run out etc. This does not become us. I am sanctioning immediately Rs 1000/, which will be paid to you in cash.” An ‘understanding incarnate’, Patel.
“Sir.” Subdued Parrot.
“My request to you is, to remove the tattered flags, which are all rags. Get new ones stitched, which will befit our name. The name and prestige of our company is involved. Neither your name nor mine. It is “US” that we are talking about.” Mr. Patel should have been an Indian representative, in UN.
The workers removed the flags at once. The new ones never came up, and the matter was scuttled. The thousand rupees were returned in tact to Mr. Patel.
When the dispute came to a head, Mr. Patel’s name was suggested as the mediator by the Union on their behalf.
The MIDC factory closed down permanently. ‘Henry the strongman’ is, eking out a living by HAWKING HOMEMADE CANDLES, now.
A hugely successful leader and a great manager, both rolled into one. A rare combination.
Often management students wonder, why Welch bashed through out his career, the bureaucrats, through whom he had to get the work done, anyway.
His abiding aversion to BABUs was due to an attitude displayed universally, by the typical bureaucrats, swathed in red tape. To understand well the complex, stunted, diminutive; mindset of this genre, visit any revenue office, in our country.
I recall an instance from the industrial domain, which will give you a taste of their mental make-up.
The story starts with a young engineer, Hiren Patel, who joined an engineering unit, manufacturing stainless steel milk pumps in the early sixties in Mumbai. A young graduate engineer, he had done his post graduation in management from, an Ivy League, US business school.
Hiren was the most eligible bachelor, then in the society.
He got married too, to a bright young girl from his community. Eventually he bought a scooter ” Roman Holiday style”, which was in vogue then. He would commute to the place of work, on his newfound vehicle.
Later he used to get dropped at the place of work, by his wife, who acquired the skills to manoeuvre the two-wheeler, through the crazy traffic of Mumbai. She would take the scooter back home, after dropping her husband.
The factory had a European General manager, Mr. Johansen a qualified engineer, and a great taskmaster. In some ways he was quite a terror, and his word was law in the Unit.
Young Hiren became a blue-eyed boy soon, of Johansen.
The establishment had a typical administrative officer, Mr. Ayer who would go by the rulebook. Always the red book, never the blue book. No exception. A typical hardheaded, head- clerk, whose role model was some revenue officer.
He was hated by one and all.
Once Johansen asked Hiren, how he commutes to the factory.
He replied, it was his young wife who, used to come on a scooter to drop him.
Wouldn’t she like to come in, to see where he was working? Asked his boss.
“Of course she would love to come in.” Replied Hiren.
“Call her in, right away, if she is at the gate yet.” Johansen.
The young engineer was excited. He got on the intercom to the Security officer, checked if his wife was still at the gate. She was.
Immediately he requested the Security officer to let his wife in, as Mr. Johansen had permitted her to come in.
As per rule, visitors had to obtain an entry pass from, Mr. Ayer.
The Security officer asked the wife to wait in his office, who was very elated to visit the place of work, of her husband.
The Security officer approached, the Administrative officer, Mr.Ayer, for the pass.
He conveyed to Mr. Ayer, about Mr. Johansen’s permission for the young wife of the engineer to visit the factory.
Mr. Ayer, true to his salt, a typical beureaucrat, referred to the rulebook. No visitor was to be allowed on Fridays in the factory, and the day happened to be a Friday.
So, no entry.
The Security officer did plead with him, that the lady was waiting at the gate as per instructions of the General Manager.
“It just does not matter. Rule is rule, and she can’t enter.” Ayer the adamant bureaucrat, decreed.
With a sad face the Security officer, conveyed the decision to her. He regretted his inability to allow her inside factory.
She was totally disappointed, tried to contact the husband on the intercom. Who was also very crestfallen to understand about the decision. He went to Mr. Johansen, that his permission could not be executed.
What do you think the European boss said?
" I am sorry, if the rule says that on Fridays no visitor is allowed I have to abide by the decision. I would not like to overrule this.”
A great lesson for our young managers. The rule has to be honoured and the enforcement of it has not to be challenged and overruled, even if it meant disregard of one’s instructions.
This is the culture, we have to imbibe.
Do you know the result of this crude and draconic enforcement of a minor rule?
Hiren eventually, became the General Manager of the factory. At many functions of the factory, his wife was supposed to attend officially, to distribute the prizes etc. She never entered the factory premises. Even at the farewell function, of her husband.
I am sure you will appreciate now, the utter hatred for all bureaucrats, consistently displayed, by Jack Welch.
Jack Welch was crowned the last CENTURY’S best Chairman and CEO, globally, by Fortune magazine.
You want to have a post- breakfast constitutional, (walk). What will you do? Wear your NIKE and may be ,take a walking stick, in good measure, and proceed towards the mountain, or the hill nearby. Right ? O. K. for a commoner like me.
Wrong, if you are a top executive, IN INDIA, or at least a close relative of someone in power. Closer the better, for effectiveness and speed.
I had heard the mythological story , from my grandmother, of the divine prowess of Hanumanji. While on an errand to get a medicinal plant from Vindhya, he spirited the mountain itself . This must have been done as an abundant precaution, by him. There was the life of Laxmanji, at stake, the younger brother of his god, Shriramji. No chances were taken.
Another one was about the greatest Adam, Shrikrishna. With the help of his followers, he moved up the entire GOVARDHAN, (hill) and provided it as an umbrella to save the township, from torrential rains. There was some worthy purpose in these stories, of movement of mountains.
With a pinch of salt I used to take the stories, and out of respect to my grandmother I never challenged the veracity. However there was a lurking doubt in my mind about these mythological happenings.
Later in life I was told the story of a devout, top Executive, in
The Executive used to pay his respects to a holy cow, prior to his breakfast as a ritual daily. The cow used to be in a barn in the palatial campus of the top Executive .
On one not so fine a day , the Executive fell ill. He was not able to move, out of his bed, which was on the second floor of the mansion.
No problem! The cow could move. Hence to abide by the regimen of the Executive, the cow was made to climb the stairs. The prayers to the cow, adhered to religiously.
My doubts about, mountain moving to the man were shaken slightly.
However now, when I learnt that Mr. Yadav, a close relation of our Rail-minister, was obliged ,by moving the whole train to the platform where the SHALAK was , I have converted myself to a total believer.
You don’t have to take the trouble to trot to the hill . You can transport the hill home, manage the right relatives.
Mountain can be moved.
Chairman & CEO
Placewell Consultants, Pune 411007
Thursday, April 17, 2008
His observation was that at most of the places he had visited throughout the world, the industrial disputes almost always originated in the canteens.
Whether it was over a stale sandwich, or a tasteless wada, soggy spaghetti, a fizzed out soda or cold tea. The item may vary depending on the geography. But the causa- prima would be some canteen- item resulting in a major dispute.
I came across an essay written in TIME sometime back, about how frayed tempers can ignite a world war. It all started with a bowl of cold soup being served to someone. The altercation resulted in a chain reaction in the neighborhood, resulting in a world war. Exaggerated? Perhaps. It was in a lighter vein. But the tempers run high, when it comes to some unsavory stuff served, to some one hungry, for food. In the canteens such stuff ignites fire, not in the belly; but out in the workplace.
I recall a couple of instances here, which will highlight the point. At times some quick-thinking can help someone to win the battle, and prevent its escalation into a full-fledged war. Putting off small-fires in time, helps restrain a conflagration.
The incident relates to early 70s. Trade Union movement was in its nascent stage. The workers were not so much used to collective bargaining and mature Unionism. They would make a nuisance, by shouting shrilly slanderous slogans, a few bad words and threats to terrorize the ‘establishment guy”.
In an engine manufacturing company, in Pune the workers were worked up about the quality of chapattis served in the canteen. According to them, they were rubbery, cold and overall unappetizing.
The food served was fit for pigs only.
Repeated complaints were lodged for quite sometime, with the canteen manager. But to no avail.
The workers, who were egged on, by the Union officials decided to take the matter up with the boss, the Dy. General Manager (Administration.).
They left the canteen premises with a bundle of chapattis and trooped into the cabin of the DGM, unannounced. The DGM; a young person, was educated in England and had no exposure, to the industrial scenario then, in India.
Normally they could have had recourse to the grievance committee, works committee etc.
Then; they believed in noise-therapy, by making a song and dance over an issue, rather than solving the dispute.
When they entered the cabin of the boss, he was lunching with some of his lady colleagues. The workers created quite a row, and as is wont; with the Union representatives, they screamed at the top of their voices. Some slogans, “DGM murdabad, Union zindabad “etc, were repeatedly raised, in chorus.
The DGM was completely taken aback, at this sudden unprovoked attack, and did not know how to respond to the commotion, in the usually staid office place.
He quickly got the secretary; to connect him to the Security officer.
The security officer, who was a seasoned guy, promptly appeared on the scene, with the Welfare officer in tow.
They listened to the complaint, with a feigned concern. As is the practice of the politicians today, they promised a thorough enquiry in the matter. Gave a show-cause notice to the Canteen manager. The issue was sorted out amicably. No loss of blood.
The net result was that the young DGM, (due to a loss of face perhaps), quietly chickened out from the job soon thereafter.
There was a similar case, which happened around the same time, in an auto unit, in the suburbs of Pune.
The workers were very agitated due to the usually tasteless” plastic” canteen food. The company used to serve subsidized rice-plates, from the industrial canteen, to the staff.
It appears that one of the union bearers had noticed a strand of hair in his rice- serving, on a particular day.
“Careless, what does the management think we are? Some cattle? We could be fed any junk. We slog here day and night. They are taking us for granted.” Etc. etc. ad infinitum. The issue was blown out of proportion.
They decided to carry the rice-plate, which is served in a stainless steel tray. A group marched with the rice-plate-tray into the cabin of the Works Manager.
The WM, a shrewd and experienced hand, received “the intelligence” through his MIS, well in time; that the workers are heading towards his cabin, in a belligerent mood. The flimsy cause of the dispute was conveyed to him too.
He slowly walked to his cabin, which was in the center of the shop- floor. Unperturbed.
He politely asked the workers to sit down.
In a calculatedly cool mood he went to the washbasin in the corner of his cabin, wished all of them once again, as he cleansed his hands.
He occupied his chair, pulled the rice- plate-tray, which they had placed on his table. Quietly he removed the strand of hair, from the rice-serving, and commenced lunching from the same rice-plate.
Before they could enunciate their complaint, he quipped,
“I was working since morning on the shop floor, and was really hungry. Hence am wolfing on the food brought to me so thoughtfully by you.
Incidentally, why had you come in?”
The agitated workers were dumbfounded. They silently went back to their respective workplaces. No words were required to be exchanged further.
It is the diplomacy and tact that comes handy to tide over very sticky situations.
While managing a team; establishing and maintaining good human relations is the keystone.
They said,
“He does not trust us. He is seeking a protection from us. He asked the security officer to come to his rescue; rather than solving our problems; which is his assigned duty."
Recently I received a greeting card from Mr. Collen my Swedish friend, informing me about his short visit to Pune, next month.
He also asked me about the progress, Pune has made on the business front.
I have invited him to Pune, and a have chat over lunch with me in our canteen.
We serve lunch from a five star restaurant here, to all the staff of our Unit, like many others from IT sector in Hinjewadi , the new Information Technology park, of Pune.
Be with the Jonses is the principle.
No compromises on food front, you see!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Company Details

You can contact us at....
Thanks and Regards,
M. S. Ranade
Chairman & CEO
Placewell Consultants
1, Apurva Complex, Ganesh Khind Road, Pune 411 007, Pune
Cell: 9822045770
Tel :+91-020-25691237
Monday, February 4, 2008
He was my house guest. I introduced him to several of my great industrialist friends. He was mighty happy about striking great deals with the innovators here. Towards the close of his business-trip, a funny incident occurred.
A close friend of mine, a great innovative engineer came home with his product, very hopefully to bag a big order. The product was, an auto-electric- battery, which gets charged on the mains, and whenever the power-supply is tripped, it glows. It was reasonably priced too.
My Norwegian visitor was extremely appreciative of the contraption.
“I have never seen anything like this before. “
My Pune engineer friend was ecstatic. He was already on the ninth cloud, of dreamy success.
My foreign visitor complimented the young entrepreneur profusely, and said,
“My young fellow, I have to disappoint you. This device will be of no use for any of the Western buyers. I am 54 now; and in my living memory, in my country there was never a single time, when we were without power supply. If you know, it happened once in US for a while in eighties, and it became international news. Even TIME magazine published a cover-story on this rare happening. “
Recently I read the electrifying HEADLINE news. The entire Pune Region can heave a sigh of relief to learn about this. The load-shedding, power-cuts, maintenance shutdowns, were now to be a thing of the past. Thanks to the industrialists for lending their captive gen-set power to the grid etc. . My jaw dropped in disbelief.
I have lived with this wanton disregard of the consumer, by the MSEB for over 25 long years now. It is their mind-set which has to change. Surely there is technology available in the present context, to fix problems. They are used to cussedly throwing the switch, without regard to the consequent damage to the consumers. A sudden change is rather disconcerting to stomach. My home-physician could not fix the jaw. The good old MSEB came to my rescue.
The same day, just for the fun of it, the power tripped for a while, unannounced. Just like that. Jaw fixed up, naturally, without any medication.
On Thursday 15th June, 06, half of Pune did not have power, for as much as eight hours, between 10 am to 6 pm. Reason? Some maintenance issue. I have a lock-jaw, now. For the past two months or so, I visit my office in cantonment area, on Thursdays, there is a total power shut-down, ever since 6 a.m. till the evening.
No lifts, no light, no comps no telephones, as they are through EPABX. Whole of November and now half of December, we are” power-less” on all Thursdays. Some maintenance this.
We are all having a forced holiday on Thursdays, undeclared. I wonder how nobody seems to crib or complain.
I am establishing contact with my Norwegian friend to supply technical know-how, to our chaps in Pune, about ENSURING a continuous power-supply , during maintenance shut-downs; which surely they too must be taking.
There are plenty of reasons, which make one change the opinions held sacrosanct and close to the chest as it were, as time rolls by.
For the past six months or so I am watching with utter amazement a strange happening which has shaken my beliefs, or non-belief.
If even a primary student were to be asked a GK question, about the likely place where the maximum traffic, of people, and all sorts of vehicles will be expected, sure enough, even a dumb kid will answer,
“Near the railway station, bus-stands etc. “
Brilliant answer indeed. The kid will make the grade.
Not so our traffic- regulators.
I am referring to the cross roads, near Alankar Cinema, at the Railway station. There are several roads converge at this junction. All the traffic to and from the railway station., a lot to and from the S.T. Bus station, some coming from Sadhu Waswani Chowk to and from Jehangir Nursing home, traffic towards Alankar cinema and further etc. There is a veritable melee.
For the past six months or more, there is no traffic signal, at this spot, and the traffic cops seem to have turned their Nelson’s eye.
The traffic cops believe that they can control the jamboree through their remote control from the chowks prior to this spot. But never at the crossroads.
Now I have turned into a confirmed believer that there has to be some one up there minding this chaos, which is a daily affair, going on unabated.
You don’t believe this ? You are invited to be there at about six in the evening. You will witness a war of cars and vehicles, fights, truces and the works and may be you may see Him up there too, busy at solving the snarling jam on the ground.
Chairman & CEO
Placewell Consultants, Pune 411007
Published in Times Of India, Friday,15th Sept,06, in East Side supplement
walked in the office of the Telephone Department, brandishing a gun.
It was a top story then. In fact many sympathized with the politician, rather than the telephone officials, who were threatened by him, for sloppy and arrogant service.
Telephone chaps were known to be rude, uncooperative, and nonchalant.
It was a total monopoly over telecommunication that, they had, which shaped their psyche that way. A “Devil may care” attitude.
Later in mid nineties came the cell phones, in our country. The entire landscape changed. There was now an alternative available, for people. The customer could show the incompetent service provider, the proverbial thumb.
However old habits die hard.
The telephone-chaps are not accused of any long- hours at office or burning the mid- night lamps as it were. In addition to twiddling their thumbs, they engage in a popular departmental sport.
That of changing telephone numbers.
I wonder why they engage themselves in these satanic ploys, repeatedly. Don’t they realize that in the present world, the telephone number serves as an address, and should have some permanency? It is given to several people whom you meet as business associates. You don’t meet them on a daily basis. They do look up your business cards for communication, whenever a need arises.
Back in Kokan, an effective means of communicating with others at a distance, in the villages is a shrill Tarzan kind of shout , which one vociferates. The recipient acknowledges the shout by responding with a shriller shout. This much communication was adequate in an agrarian set up. It has several interpretations, depending on the context. No further articulation was found to be necessary. It was a complete communication. With a little practice any one can produce this Tarzan-call.
Probably the Telephone department still lingers in this kind of a scenario, of communication.
Take my telephone numbers as a case in point.
I stay at Baner/ Aundh, and had bought OYT telephone connection, for my residence, around 1996. (OWN YOUR Telephone connection.) They had one called “Tatkal” also i.e. you had to pay Rs 15000/ and instantaneously they would grant a connection.
Others had to wait for years and years. Actually TATKAL, translated; meant you paid for their total incompetence, in providing the basic services. A complete absence of planning, on the part of their department. Any case, after a lot of hue and cry, they withdrew this service later.
Mine was a telephone of six digits, starting with 38.
Then they decided to make it to seven digits and changed it to 588. One more year down, and after some political pressure, they transferred my number to a new exchange, i.e. Banner exchange.
Hence my number would now take 729 in place of 588. The funny thing is they changed the other digits too. It was not just a replacement of the first three digits. This is sheer callousness. Later it was decided that the telephone numbers would be eight digits, and you have to prefix 2 to your telephone numbers. Changes would keep coming at a pace; of one year to six months.
This was the story at my residence.
My office is in cantonment. There the telephone numbers were changed similarly in fits and starts and not synchronous with changes, in other areas.
Every time the telephone number would change, I had to reprint my office stationery, letter-heads, visiting cards etc. Those who have my old cards would never be able to contact me. The contacts are lost forever.
The telephone chaps should realize that we are in an age where connectivity, is of prime importance.
In an era of intangibles, creativity, connectivity, and competence are the basic elements. They are absolutely in the bullock- cart age.
Whatever reasons, they may offer for the change of the telephone numbers; surely there is some technology available which can take care of a few changes at their end. They are espousing the path of least resistance. Ask the customer to change his records, go fly a kite!
Can’t they effect the changes once and for all, at one go.
In developed nations, the telephone number is like an address, a near permanent one, which does not change at the drop of a hat. The officials must sit up, and look at the issue more objectively.
I thought they had done their bit of pranks and now all the stationery and visiting cards had the right numbers at last.
Last week, I got a telephone bill, for my Tata Indicom telephone, my number starting with 562, will commence with 652 now. The earlier number stands cancelled as of 21 September. 06. Old habits?
• I have already applied for a gun licence.
• In the meanwhile I have commenced to perfect, the Tarzan shout, of Kokan villages, as a” sound” alternative.
• I have decided to ask all the telephones from my residence and office, to be CONSIGNED TO THE RECYCLE BIN.
• Resort to the good old means of communication,” SMOKE rings,” which is a more dependable, and less irksome, alternative.
There used to be a young chap bicycling everyday from West to East. Always peddling feverishly, he would cross the border daily. The East- German guards would frisk him, routinely, and let him go, as they would find nothing on his person.
One day the Chief of the guards offered him a huge prize, to let him in, on the secret. Young as he was, he took the bait, and confessed,
“Herr, I am taking with me everyday, a new bi-cycle to the East-side.”
Some guarding this!
During my childhood I used to be fascinated, by the only uniformed watchman, we used to have in our town. He used to guard the palatial residence of the “MONEYLENDER” in our society. All the children used to salute him, on the way to school. He was a part of the huge iron gate, as it were. He used to have only the generic name GURKHA. A rare sight.
Today, one sees these uniformed watchmen, swarming all over the town; in residential, commercial and industrial areas. They have become a necessity, in the present lifestyle.
What do they do? Do we check on their competence, general understanding-levels, and antecedents? Why do we require so many of them? Are they having even the basic training in their job?
I must share an instance with you.
On a visit to one of the Air conditioner manufacturing factories, my car was promptly stopped by one of the watchmen at the gate. Very sullenly he asked me the purpose of my visit. He belonged to the category, “until proved otherwise, assume the visitor to be a thief.” No undue courtesies.
Then he produced a register, in which he ordered me to record my name, address, purpose of visit, the person who I wish to see, time etc . He handed me over a visitor’s badge which I was advised to display round my neck, like a necklace. On top of this, he asked me to write my own gate-pass also, and admonished me, to put the number of the badge correctly. He neither checked with the person who I wished to see; nor any enquiries about me etc. I was let in all right.
Then suddenly there was a commotion, whistling all round etc, and a chap came running after my car. I was scared. The watchman pounced on me, as if I were possessing an AK 47 rifle.
“What’s up” I asked.
“You are carrying a camera, inside the factory. You have to keep it at the gate.”
”O K have your way. You could have told this to me earlier”
An unpleasant, episode of a visit.
Similar exercise one has to undergo, while visiting friends socially. You generate all the paperwork and proceed. You ask any one of them the most commonplace questions as to some of the neighbor’s names, address etc. The stock answer will be,
“I am new here.”
Visiting a friend in the evening, to celebrate a full moon day. I asked the watchman, if he knew my friend’s flat number. So many invitees were already there, whom he would have directed to the place anyway
The stock answer,
“Sir, I am new here.” He was courteous for a change.
Out of sheer disgust at his total blissful ignorance, I asked him,
“Do you notice the pie in the sky, Is it the Sun or the Moon?”
“Sir, I am new here.”
Same stock answer he shot at me, sheepishly.
I bet, you ask the most commonsense queries to any of these louts, 99 times out of 100, the same answer, will you get. What purpose do they serve? Ornamental?
The police administration which should be minding the town is not adequate; hence you have to take recourse to such half-baked individuals who serve as scare –crows.
Now let me make you privy, to the writing I had recorded in the register at the A/C factory, I visited.
I had written as follows:
Visitor’s name: KALYA BERAD,(A notorious robber)
Address: Central Jail, Yerawada, presently on parole.
Person to visit: Bill Clinton
Purpose of visit: To rob.
If and when, someone sees the register, he will realize the futility of all the process, of admission so copiously designed, to be cumbersome.
I would like the L.I.B. (Local Intelligence Bureau), police squad to know, in advance, that I was only joking. Otherwise they will be active, on a wrong trail; and wake me up at night.
In a remote township, a visitor was lost in the web of several roads. He queried a passerby,
“How do I reach, the Mall in the town from here?”
An FAQ, by any visitor, to the locals, in the town.
Unfortunately for the visitor, the local ,. was totally sozzled up, and was on his way home from the pub. He was enthusiastic to offer help promptly.
“ Hey chum, you take the first right, then go straight down the road for about half a kilometer then left and finally the right at the next bend. “
“ No, not that way, you take instead, the first left, then straight, and then right and then… No, that way also, you can’t reach the destination. Let’s try another route; go straight for half a kilometer, then take the second right, then left, and straight down the road. Left right etc. “
By then the visitor was thoroughly confused. Then came the final blow;
“ Hey friend, methinks, you simply can’t go from here to the Mall, there is just no way. Forget it. Goodnight.”
The audience would laugh their guts out at this guffaw, and sympathise with the hapless visitor.
Frankly, the scenario, depicts the present state of roads, in Pune, aptly.
The roads are taken up for repairs, widening, pre-monsoon maintenance, flyover-construction, all at once. The alternate routes are dug up, for telephone/power-supply cables, water/ sewage pipelines, drainage, cementing, asphalting, dividers et ala.
I embarked on a journey to travel on GK road to University circle. There I encountered the first diversion. Was directed to take the alternate route, via DP. Road Aundh. At the next chowk there was a barricade. I tried another alternative, to go via Baner road through Pashan. It was decreed; "no entry". Someone advised me to travel to Mumbai via the Highway and attempt to reach the destination in Pune, on the return journey . For sometime I considered this as a possible choice, but did not pursue it. (Petrol hike?)
I encountered some outlandish route through the village. Another roadblock. I was held up as the asphalting work was in progress.
The traffic chaps who were available in droves; at these cross roads, supplied intelligence, that the road was closed for all traffic. No offer of help as to how to get out of the labyrinth, to some known roads.
To add to the confusion, some marriage procession, with all the song and dance, and horse-driven buggy forced its way on the narrow road. They were looking scary and devilish. With all the firecrackers, and exotic ammunition in tow, I felt like being caught up in some crossfire on Gaza strip roads. I encountered some drunken louts, feverishly dancing to the deafening band. The tail end of the entourage of the marriage procession, perhaps.
The only way to get out of all this mess was to leave the car, on the road and scoot homewards, safely; and let the car face, the music.
I have left my car, in some god-forsaken place in which I landed myself in this melee of right, left, no entry, no road, no cars etc. I heaved a sigh of relief, after reaching home unscathed.
Will someone be a Good Samaritan to locate my jalopy and tow it home?
Chairman & CEO
Placewell Consultants, Pune 411007
Published in Times of India, dated 18th August,07, East side supplement.Pune.
What is an organizational culture after all? How does one bring about a change in it to suit the present day conditions?
Culture is a set of belief systems, commonly shared by all the persons working in an organization. It could be one, which is developed scientifically or evolves by experience.
Both act, on the behavior, of the entire human resource. Culture is unconsciously developed, through practice.
When Eiji Toyoda, a nephew of TOYOTA Motor co. founder; visited FORD, in 1950; Japan was coming out of the shock, and devastation of 1945. The young engineer, who later built the Car Company to its eminent position, was surprised to note the difference in their respective sizes, but not overawed.
Ford was making 8000 units per day, against just 40 of TOYOTA.
Earlier on TOYOTA, had acquired the knowledge to make car engines, which were an exact copy of Chevrolet.
On return from the U.S., Toyoda set out to make cars which could be as good as, ones seen by him at Detroit. He had mustered the help of their production chief, Taiichi Ohno, in this magnum opus.
They evolved their own methods to suit the cultural environment and style; multi-skilling, kanban, kaizen, lean-manufacturing etc. One important factor to be noted is, that they did not replicate the manufacturing models of Detroit.
In 1955 their own model Crown, was a failure on U.S. highways and freeways. They recoiled for some time. But then in the sixties they came back with a vengeance, their small car 'Corona' proved to be a favorite in the market, overseas. Later they introduced Corolla in 1966. A resounding success and a popular buy in the international markets.
Normally one would stop at this, and bask in the glory. Not Toyota.
They embarked on a mission of competing the big players like Daimler, BMW, and Rolls Royce.
They introduced in 1989, LEXUS, This was a run-away success.
LEXUS is giving tough time to the established giants in the luxury car segment, now. There were many success stories to follow. Such inspiring events build the culture of an organization. What one may term as Sergi Bubka spirit. Competing with oneself, and running one’s own race, to progress, is the underlying principle
Fortune 500, now lists TOYOTA, as the largest company in Japan, at $ 120 Bn, turnover, ahead of such giants, from Japan, as Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Itochu, Marubeni etc.
These accomplishments and achieving them together brings in a sense of belonging, and a team spirit. A winning spirit.
“Walkman” the celebrated 1979 invention of Sony was a pioneering event, crafted by their marketing genius, Akio Morita. They could well have continued with the original 1979 model. It was selling well, they being the first, in the virgin field, internationally.
They have manufactured over 400 models, since the original one of 1979. Each a progressively better one, sending the prior one to the museum. The strategy to make one's own products obsolete may sound crazy. It stems from the idea that the competitors would have brought out the copycats of “SONY- original” in the market. When the customer finds a way to the improved version of the original, by the ever-vigilant competitor, he (the customer) will permanently be lost, by SONY.
Instead it is wiser, that Sony competes with themselves and make their own models obsolete by pursuit of new and better, designs. The customer will innately trust that he will get the best product which technology can offer when he buys SONY. Not just what they are comfortable to offer. When you are the" numero uno” by pushing back the frontiers of your earlier achievements, establish your superior competence, in every product offering.
In days, when a culture shift is called for; new and outlandish sounding strategies; have more significance.
The culture development in an organization can be divided broadly in three types.
• Autocratic.
Governed by one person or a group of persons only. A blind following is
expected, no participation is tolerated.
• Democratic
Shared views, and; decision-making is by consensus. There is a continuous exchange of views, with all the employees.
• A Culture shift
The present complex and changing environment needs an altogether different culture now.
The previous belief systems have to shift to be able to survive and thrive in a competitive atmosphere. This context demands a mix of the above two, and an ever-responsive attitude to the changes in customer needs.
Knowledge base is changing fast, in organizations such as Intel, who are at the cutting edge of technology.
Gordon Moore, one of the co-founders of INTEL, struck on a “finding” in 1965, named after him.
“ Chip power doubles every 18 months and costs fall by half.”
A great challenge, indeed, for any entrepreneur. How do you produce continuously a better product at lesser costs? Their solution to this was simple. Instead of chasing the demand; which most organizations resort to; put the resources ahead of the demand. If there is a demand for Pentium I, put the resources behind Pentium II and so on. Don’t go on digging the same oil- well deeper. An organization’s combating of their problems, as a team; establishes a distinct culture throughout the organization.
Andy Grove, of INTEL had evolved a “formula” to combat the recession in the chip market in1981. It was, working by the staff, 25% more, for no additional pay. This way he did not have to resort to lay offs, which would have been the obvious solution. It worked. Intel was, like always, n+1. A step ahead of the rest.
In1994, when they could ill-afford it, he had spent $475 million to replace the defective Pentium chips. The defect was not easily noticeable and most consumers would never have encountered it.
The positive side was, the culture of quality was rooted in the minds of the employees. Dependability of their products was established. The customer confidence multiplied.
He always strived for excellence, which is the CULTURE OF THE ORGANISAGTION, now.
Tune to the customer, and then be responsive, to his changing needs. It should not be ritualized, then it will be a closed system. Organization’s capacity to examine traditional knowledge and belief systems, objectively establishes dynamism in the culture. If and when needed new scientific knowledge has to be incorporated in the scheme of operations. The leader has to clearly spell out what is desirable, and goad the team to accept the transformation process. Lesson for our nation has to be, a time sense, (Punctuality). The ever-present “not invented here syndrome” has to be abandoned, consciously.
The culture is perfected over a period, practiced across the organization, and perpetuated by the new entrants, as assiduously as a religion of the organization.
M. S. Ranade,
Among many surprises that you may notice, one which is quite eye-catching is the consistent profitability of Microsoft and Intel.
Microsoft on a turnover of $ 39 Billion has earned a profit of $12.5 Bn, i.e. 31%, and Intel on $38 Billion has earned a profit of $8 Billion i.e. 22% profit. Similar profitability has been noticed for the past few years in both the companies. Microsoft was established by Bill Gates, and Paul Allen in 1975, only.
Compare this with the figures of turnover, of the giant organizations , such as General Motors,(Established in 1908) Ford (established in 1903), Daimler Chrysler(the merged entity of 1998, although the, constituents are very old corporations), which is $192, $177, $186 Billion respectively, and profits, of - $10 Billion (Loss), $2 Billion, $ 3 Bn ; the picture emerges clearly. The older companies, were the leaders and epitomes of; management successes, so far.
There is something special which is happening at present, in the industrial economy; an era of intangibles has emerged.
If one were to ask, the giant organizations about the resources which were contributing to their profit and prosperity, they would have pointed to the large manufacturing facilities, monstrous machines and robots, huge factories etc, as the prime factors. The technical resources, as they are termed.
In the current context if you were to ask the same question to the new generation heroes, they would wholeheartedly attribute the success to their Human resource, more particularly to their Human capital.
If the top twenty personnel are taken off from Microsoft, they would not be able to function, so says Bill Gates.
One can not show off the human capital as the jigs and tools, and the dies and gigantic presses of the yesteryear’s successful entrepreneurs. Hence the name, as the era of intangibles. It comprises:
human competency, creativity, connectivity, new concepts which are the contributors to the generation of wealth. One can feel their impact ,but can not see them as tangible entities.
Peter Drucker coined the term knowledge society, and knowledge worker, to signify the changing times, from brick and mortar, to human capital.
It was in 1991, that a Fortune 500 company Skandia AFS, in assurance and finance services, from Sweden, appointed Mr. Leif Edvinsson, as the first Intellectual Capital Director. It was a bold step by their CEO Mr. Bjorn Wolrath, who gave him the brief :
to chart out the intellectual capital of the company.
Around the same time, to be precise, in October, 1994, Thomas Stewart, then Sr. Editor at Fortune, published an article in this periodical, styled
“Your Company’s Most Valuable Asset, Intellectual Capital.”
This article highlighted a new dimension, in the operations of the company, to the entrepreneurs, namely human capital.
The article created an awareness and interest in human capital, like never before.
In 1995, along with the annual report of Skandia AFS, a report on the intellectual capital of the company was published. The focus areas were:
• Financial health
• Customer rating
• Development of new processes
• A constant and focused effort for the renewal and development of human capital, by training, organizational development initiatives.
• Instead of the conventional annual reports, which are the historical documentation of the financial dealings of the company, a new insight was provided.
They termed this as ‘Navigator’, as it was to guide the future course of the company.
Management task now shifted to building of learning organizations by removing learning disabilities in the employees. A number of listening-posts for new knowledge are created throughout the company. The emphasis has shifted to building up the human competencies, which is the value enhancing factor. As distinct, from the larger and more advanced machines, that earlier economy would have voted for.
The intellectual capital of any enterprise consists of:
• Human capital: This is the collective knowledge and skills of the employees. This has to be identified, accessed, coded, built-on and fully employed. They talk of skill inventory of an organization.
• Structural capital: The organizational systems and processes in place in an enterprise to share the above human capital by e.g. intranet, meetings, overall a sharing culture. A process of knowledge creation is encouraged, through socialization, internalization, combination, communities of practice, etc.
• Customer capital: An ongoing relationship with your customer. Knowledge is the chief factor to build up a trust between the supplier and the customer. New products are developed, test-marketed, and improved on, through such an interdependent relationship.
• All the above three interact with each other and enhance the intellectual capital of an enterprise. This can be acquired, amassed and employed for larger gains like any other capital.
With global markets beckoning us for expansion of our reach and increased competition, newer fields have to be espoused, to maintain the edge over others. Customers will keep on demanding better value for money, in all products and services we offer. The route for success is to use technology to facilitate knowledge management, to enhance your capacity to work in teams; across, space and time.
• Are you making conscious efforts to update your current level of knowledge?
• It has to be an intentional learning, not an incidental one.
• Do you lead learning, and sharing by your behavior?
• Are you making; efforts to have cross-functional teams in your workplace to ensure cross-fertilization of ideas.
• Have you a method in place to record new learning for future use.
• Let all of us be continuous learners
• What you do not use, you lose
• Have you learnt any new knowledge during the past six months or so?
• If not, please embark on the new learning right earnest
• Capacity of human brain is infinite.
I have my feet planted very much on the ground, and think about mundane things, such as how to commute safely in my jalopy without hurting anybody else or denting my good old chariot. While pushing my way on Pune roads, often had I wished, to have the flying carpet, which is strictly; by appointment; the proprietary travel-gear of Gurus/Maharajahs etc.
My granddaughter, Keyuri, came calling last week to our castle on the outskirts of Pune. She is an artist of sorts and keeps on doodling all the while. Hyper-imaginative by nature, (she has taken after my old girl).
She painted out a four- headed deity. She called it SUPERBRAHMA.
My other grandchild Ameya is a hard headed rationalist at a young age. Kids have a tendency to pick up fights at the drop of a hat, on trivial issues.
Whenever grandchildren are around, I pack them up in my chariot, and we go for a good drive. This leaves the old girl in peace to cook a hefty lunch for the young devils. They think of food all the while, their only pastime.
Driving in Pune is partly an art, science and the certified mind-readers only can venture on the roads. In addition to your valid driving license, one needs the special skills of an acrobat, from the Great Royal Circus for survival. If you do not possess these minimum qualifications, you are sure to land in the nearest Hospital.
On seeing the sketch of SUPERBRAHMA, by his cousin; Ameya embarked on his critic’s role. He is a true Puneite.
“How can anyone have four heads “?
By then a six seater had abruptly stopped right in front of me. A two wheeler had banged into the car, from behind. Some cyclist was attempting to wedge himself between the razor-thin gaps. I maneuvered the car to a clearing.
I offered some defense, to Keyuri,
”The four heads are symbolic. Perhaps the multi-headed deity depicts all the four Vedas, which are the epitome of the highest level of knowledge.
Perhaps it also represents a greater level of wisdom, an expanded consciousness. He could attend to happenings around him on all the four sides, multidirectional attention etc. “
By then a passenger- bus tried to invade my car from the left side. A pedestrian tried to squeeze in between. A monstrous Auto rickshaw was attacking from the right-side.
“You see, driving on the busy roads of Pune is, a demanding task. Both of you please do not distract my attention.”
Like obedient children both were quiet.
Keyuri was doodling as usual well ensconced in the backseat. Ameya was directing me, from the co-pilot’s seat, about hot-rods overtaking from left side.
Very sympathetically, he said,
“Aba, I am prepared to believe that four heads are needed, to keep track of the speeding vehicles from all around.”
Keyuri was feverishly busy sketching, in the back-seat.
I asked her,
”What are you up to?
”Aba I have a correction to make, in the earlier sketch.
I think four heads are not enough to drive out of here.
I have sketched Ravana, with all his ten heads. Perhaps one needs these many, to steer clear of all the hurtling meteors on the road.”
23RD JUNE, 2006.
Apart from searching the hidden road in the ditches, the one-ways, sudden closures of roads for traffic, continuous repairs to the roads, the perennial floods on the road, which are the givens, in Pune;
for me there is a special hurdle.
This defies probability theory.
The theory enunciates that, out of a hundred times you flip the coin, 50 times it will be heads up and the rest tails. O.K., principally. In my case the coin stands on the edge. Improbable you say?.
View this scenario.
The moment, my car hits the road, there will be, all the Driving school cars, converging on me. All around me. Granted, this could be the head side of the probability, but all of them being the first day learners, is quite disconcerting, to digest.
They are not aware about; which is the clutch and which one the accelerator.
Why they choose my car only, for all their learning lessons. My car has become a museum piece now.
Like iron filings to the magnet; they seem to cling to my good old jalopy.
The police are of no help, neither the instructors who are in the pilot seat.
I have asked the manufacturer of my car to provide me a special thicker casing, and an indelible paint, plus a coating; which could repel other cars. The request is under consideration.
I have obtained a special insurance cover, that in the event of my car being hit, by the Driving school trainees, I will get full reimbursement. No deductions. An additional premium for me, which is the price I pay, for being a magnet.
A few questions to these Schools, which they can take up at their Association’s convention.
• Why don’t you all, go to some foot-ball grounds, in the city? Any way, these are not being used to play foot-ball.
• Why don’t you use for your preliminary lessons, roads with scarcer traffic?
• Why don’t you hire the driving tracks, from some of the car manufacturers at a price?
• Why use the busy roads, at the busiest hours?
• Should the traffic police, not stop them before they land as missiles on my car?
There are some skills which are acquired just like that. No formal training required.
In cities you see the youngsters, learning swimming from some instructors at the swimming-pools etc. In coastal Konkan you will notice the children of fishermen; jumping in the creeks, around, right from their first step on ground.
None teaches them swimming. They learn it by themselves.
You are Puneites, hence I have guessed; your question.
“You were also once a learner in the Driving school. Were you not? ; why pick at them now; when you are out from the same gate.”
“Sorry, wrong den I was born in Detroit.”
Thus spoke, Swami Vivekanand.
That was a century or so back.
Recently a successful entrepreneur, from Pune from auto-ancillaries sector; was lamenting, that he has not been successful in getting on board, the right talent. There was so much business potential; remaining untapped; due to this limiting factor. His dream to be a global Indian is thwarted.
Swamiji had also prophesied that” the sleeping giant”, China, would emerge as a great power due to their large population. We are today witnessing the unfolding of his prescient remarks.
We have such a large population in our country too. For the productive efforts of entrepreneurs, we seem to be unsuccessful, in identifying and acquiring, energetic, right individuals with the appropriate competencies.
That is the rub.
Where has, all the talent gone?
There are a number of strategies that the successful organisations employ, to achieve the desired need for talent. Campus recruitment, advertisements through media (print and electronic) encouraging employees to bring in teammates, recalling ex-employees, engaging retirees as consultants; etc,etc.
• The possibilities of recruiting through campus, talent at entry level, and thereafter developing them to suit one’s specific needs is a task in itself. This is resorted to, by most of the large corporations as a routine, annual yatra. This exercise does generate some manpower and is available to them for a while only.
• Most of them leave, in about two years, for pastures anew. One is back to square one.
• One of the other solutions is the advertisement route.
• Situations VACANT, crème la crème advertisements, and the “career- marketing jobs”, High fliers advertisements, salary no bar etc.
• This does not really yield satisfactory results. One is saddled with a lot of unrelated resumes and unsolicited calls from individuals who are nowhere near the spelt needs.
The advancing technology provides new avenues for the jobseekers as well as the recruiters.
There are new databases available such as Monster, Jobs ahead, Naukri, Times jobs etc.
The recruiters maintain their own databases also. Which are vetted as regards the background and the factual details. Unprocessed data is not useful at all.
However suggesting the right candidate who can answer to the description of the employer cannot be done by the search engines; it requires human efforts; that is where one needs a specialized talent of a professional recruiter. Half an hour’s personal interview is inadequate to assess or evaluate the candidate’s suitability for the job etc. Some professional help is needed.
You can not think of” life-time employees,” in the current context. There are so many alternate employments available for the competent individuals today that, poaching experienced talent, has become an order of the day. How to retain the competent and useful talent?
That leads us, to the attrition of talent. The bugbear of most successful enterprises today, is the rising attrition rate.
Attrition has reached alarming proportions. It is a zero-sum game. Someone’s loss is the other’s gain. Total is unaltered.
Is there a solution for the issue of sourcing talent?
It is the primary responsibility of the client to clearly define the profile of a candidate, that is required by him. As a professional, often the recruiter assists a client in honing to perfection the job-profile of a candidate that is being searched. This of course is noticed happening when the business of the client is understood thoroughly by a recruiter.
From the database of a recruiter and his personal contacts he does find, ones who could best answer the job-description. At times the candidate who would not be even thinking about a job-change is identified by a seasoned recruiter.
A case in point is that of John Sculley, who was Vice President Marketing with Pepsi Co. and was not contemplating a job change at all.
A professional recruiter approached him and suggested him to consider joining Steve Jobs’, Apple. It was not a big name then, and Mr. Sculley was reluctant to even consider the position.
However in the now famous dialogue with Steve Jobs; he asked Mr. Sculley who was on a visit to Cupertino California headquarters of Apple, at the behest of the recruiter:
“Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water; or do you want a chance to change the world?”
Mr. Sculley joined Apple.
A recruiter thus can reach the most suitable candidate and play a significant role in landing a job to the person who had not even dreamt about it. It is a win-win situation.
As a professional a good recruiter not only sees at the technically competent candidate, but also ensures a culture-fit. His role is contributing decisively to the growth and success of his client organizations.
There is of course a possibility of going to recruiters or search agencies, that do a good job of it.
This is a new breed of professionals on the block. They know the right candidates and get them to the clients in the shortest possible time for certain professional fees.
The entire process of locating the talent answering the profiles of client’s expressed specifications, is a very complex one. It is based on trust and a sound judgment at every stage.
The background of the prospective candidate, the job-description, intentions of the employer, career growth in the slot, promised compensation, the entire gamut; is based on mutual trust at every step. One single slip; deliberate or otherwise ;can vitiate the entire case.
Exaggeration, misrepresentation of facts for a small gain is a great temptation, few can deny. Professionalism presupposes a deeply ingrained value system, a refinement, culture; and a thoroughbred practitioner’s objectivity.
It is therefore a prerequisite for a new profession, to have proper accreditation for the practitioners, to avoid mal-practices.
There were a few management consultants who used to help their clients with getting the right candidates to them; but it was more a complementary service to the other management- services they were providing. It was not the first violin, more a second fiddle.
Later it spun off, as a specialized recruitment wing. This all happened during the past 40 odd years.
Today there is a rich crop of “recruiters” which is ever growing.
When a new profession of specialists emerges, it necessitates spelling of certain ground rules. A few well honored traditions and norms have to be defined. The job is generally done by an Association of such professionals.
For example the association of Chartered accountants or; Cost accountants, have specified the competence levels for their practitioners.
Their Associations, conduct examinations; the ones who qualify are awarded certificates of proficiency which enables them to take on responsibilities as a professional.
It is gratifying to note that the professionals of Executive recruiters have got together to form an Association. They have determined a code of ethics, right at the outset and are awarding membership only to those who measure up to certain basic qualifying conditions, such as:
• Subscribing to an ethical code of conduct; while conducting business.
• Not charging any fees to the candidates, for registration etc.
• Offering a service to the client, with utmost integrity and clarity of purpose.
• Non-poaching of candidates from one’s own clients.
• Collect, collate and share expertise in this field from members, and other sources.
• As a professional body use clout, with Government for the benefit of all members, such as ease in the process of grant of job- visas, avoidance of unnecessary taxation etc.
Good luck to the new Association; ” Executive Recruiters Association” ERA ,for short.
The Association could not have come at a more appropriate time, when Indian talent is so much in demand globally. An organized body can and should strive for the rights of the members, and their representations are heeded.
It is heartening to note that the clients also now insist, that the recruiter be an accredited professional; by ERA.
The association organized a convention, in Sept.06, at Hyderabad, where representatives from Russia, Brazil, China; India deliberated on the modalities of recruitments for the needs of the growing economies.
It is nice to note that a Chapter of this Association has opened up recently in Pune too.
An age old thinking in the minds of the job seekers earlier, in our country, used to be different. A Government job was the preferred choice. Permanent, pensionable ;and all that.
Even thinking about another job, was considered an act of, disloyalty and treason.
Today it is the other way round. It has certainly undergone a sea change; the acceleration to the change in the mindset is provided by the growing IT & ITES sector in our country.
The employer is worried whether the employee will stick at all, to the job, and how long?.
This is a classic case of a constantly rising demand, chasing a limited supply of, the Mr. Rights.
Now at the outset the jobseeker proclaims, that he is looking to the horizon of two years of job or so; at best.
If ERA were to be in another age, they would have offered gladly help, to Swamiji, in locating the committed talent, that he was looking for nation building, This is a fantasy.
However the Auto ancillary entrepreneur from Pune; should certainly seek assistance ,from some ERA members.
This will help him realize, his vision to be a Global Indian.
Chairman & CEO
Placewell Consultants, Pune 411007
All the operations are automatic, and you could put the entire plant on an auto –pilot- mode, as it were. Except for one operation, where the temperature, for the finished product, has to be manually, controlled and adjusted.
A little extra temperature and the product will be rock- hard, not fit for human consumption. A little less of it and the chocolate will be messy. It will be too gooey, for packing and storing... No shelf life.
How to solve the problem?
There is a country lad, Mahadu, who has been with the plant, right from its inception. He has learnt the solution by trial and error methods; perhaps, and is a master at setting the right temperature, for the process. If he is not available to set the temperature at the “Right degree”, the entire in- process material is wasted.
It is not that, he is secretive, or is reluctant to impart the skill to others. Some knowledge is just individual-oriented; and it cannot be verbalized. Hence it is incommunicable and vests with the person only.
Mahadu is an invaluable person for the chocolate plant.
Michael Polanyi, a Hungarian medical scientist, says
“ You know much more than you can ever say.” i.e. some of your own knowledge also, cannot just be expressed in words.
True for many of us. But more so, for a lot of Mahadus like the operator.
This he termed as TACIT KNOWLEDGE.
There are two types of knowledge:
• Explicit
• Implicit
Explicit is the one, which is available in books, documents, research papers. It can be accessed and acquired by anyone; who wants to seek it. Community of scholars develops scientific knowledge and it is validated. The scientific community while narrating experiences gives labels, (language, words,) to these and a scientific discipline is adhered to, in recording the data. Explicit is formal, can be articulated, as it is language oriented, information based. Conveying and capturing is easy for all, It is
documented and database oriented.
The ‘other is implicit which is individual based. Knowledge gained by imitation and observation only. It is incommunicable and has to be brought out in the open, verbalized and then scrutinized, improved on.
Some of the tacit knowledge is culturally transferred, e.g... Mother passing on the family traditions to the son, he learns by observation and imitation...
A hammer man in a forge shop, says,
”Now is the right time to hit the hammer, if you want a good forging”.
This is not textbook oriented, learning.
Tacit knowledge is experiential, and know-how based, it consists of hunches, insights, instincts, impulses, imaginations, etc; it defies articulation.
Tacit is communicated by a “one to one” dialogue, belief-systems perspectives, mentoring, apprentice- ships, interns, communities of practice, develop; this domain of knowledge. .
When knowledge is verbalized its transfer is easier.
There is some behavior, which is developed for a certain environment only. When the environment changes; the knowledge which was contextually relevant for the environment is; dysfunctional. But the ones who are half-baked scholars, perpetuate the same knowledge, which is already obsolete, and are gloriously unaware about it. This is termed as the “unconscious incompetence”.
In the educational field, such incompetence is disastrous. If it is conscious incompetence it is tolerable, as; at least there is a hope, of some corrective steps towards improvement of the competence level. Unconscious incompetence is incorrigible. The fellow is of the firm belief that this idiocy is “KNOWLEDGE”.
Take the case of Mr. Sundaram a maintenance supervisor in a cement plant. There are a number of machines in this continuous running plant. It is essential that the key machines which are the back bone of the plant, run uninterruptedly, Examples are the milling machine, pounding limestone to powder, or the crusher, pulverizing iron ore, and coal, etc. Even if one of these fails, then the work of the factory, is grounded to a halt. Ideally these should work all the 24 hours and possibly at least 360 days of the year; leaving about a week, for the annual maintenance.
The preventive and predictive maintenance of the key machines is an area, which few can afford to neglect. The capital investment is too high, to duplicate all the key machines.
Mr. Sundaram, maintenance supervisor friend of ours, like the rest of about 1200 employees; daily passes through the plant, by, all the machines. All the rest, scurry through the din of the monstrous machines. But Mr. Sundaram can decipher a signal of a faulty bearing from the deafening noise. None else can.
Sure enough, when the machine is opened up for the routine maintenance, a faulty bearing is noticed by all the engineers, and replaced promptly. But for his tacit knowledge, developed over a period, it could be a very costly proposition; for the management, to allow idle time of a key machine.
The job of the management ‘is to ensure that such knowledge is perpetuated and institutionalized.
There are many such Mahadus and Sundarams in every unit, they take the knowledge with them when they leave and it is lost, forever.
In an era, where knowledge is the main resource which generates wealth for the organization, one can ill afford the loss of such precious knowledge, and expertise.
The task of the management ‘is to ensure, that this knowledge is captured and institutionalized.
The job does not end there, it has to be made explicit and then again the internalization scheme has to be initiated. The new knowledge has to be made a second nature of the organization.
It is said that culture is an implicit behavior. A refined individual has a culture, and his behavior displays it, naturally. No cerebration is required for him to behave in a certain manner. When new knowledge has to be embedded in the culture of an organization, a similar process has to be undertaken.
A case will illustrate the point.
In an Internal combustion engine, the valves repeatedly make an impact on the cylinder block, which is of steel. In order to enhance the life of the cylinder block, which would have worn faster due to the constant friction with the valves, a valve- seat- insert, of a harder metal is fitted in a porthole on the block. It is generally of Nickel chrome or some such harder metal than the steel. In order that the inserts do not come off the port holes in the block, there are close tolerances provided i.e. the inner diameter of the port hole and the outer diameter of the valve-seat- insert have an interference fit ,so that they do not fall off, in the operation of the engine.
The standard practice was to hammer the insert, in place, in the steel cylinder blocks. No damage done.
Now with the lightweight aluminum engine blocks, of the second-generation engines, the hammer- master practice won’t work. If hammered in place, for fitment, the aluminum-block, which is a softer metal, will give way, and the insert will simply fall off.
There is a new practice developed.
They now shrink the insert in dry ice; the porthole in the aluminum block is heated with a gas flame; so it expands a wee bit and the insert is gently placed in the porthole. It smugly sits there due to the close tolerances, and the mini contraction and expansion, as detailed above.
This new knowledge and skill has to be internalized by the assembly fitter. However it is very difficult to wean him away from his hammer and you can well know the result if he used one.
In the chocolate factory now, they have formed a team of qualified engineers around Mahadu. The young engineers are corelating the actions and the outcome.
Some data is emerging from this exercise, which will be useful for the progeny.
M. S. Ranade,